Elastic APM is extensively useful in monitoring the lifecycle of a HTTP request in a system especially in µservices architecture. Wide variety of web frameworks and databases are supported which is useful in tracking the request up to DB calls. The documentation is simple and concise which makes it easy to instrument the application.
This article aims to help or at least make it easy to trace the HTTP request lifecycle after instrumentation. Golang is used in this article for code snippets but the concept can be extended to other languages as well.
Take a look at a functional programming paradigm in Go
Programming CUDA using Go is a bit more complex than in other languages. Although there are some excellent packages, such as mumax, the documentation is poor, lacks examples and it’s difficult to use.
For the most part, Go developers are pretty good about using constants for global configuration, rather than global variables. A problem arises however when we want a global constant slice or map. The go compiler doesn't allow these more complex types to be set as constant. Many developers, upon making this realization, decide to then use a dangerous global variable. In this article we will explore a better option.
With the extensive number of programming languages available out there, for any language to emerge among the best is no easy feat.
When I started working in Go and AWS Lambda, one of the difficulties that I faced was unit testing. I had a decent idea about what is unit testing and knew how to do it in Ruby but in Go, I had no idea because I was a beginner.
Recently, I faced with lack of documentation when I wanted to use Consul as a host resolver in gRPC connections. That’s why I wanted to write this story.
In this tutorial, I'm going to walk you through building a streaming API using Golang. Don't worry, its surprisingly easy to build a robust streaming server, especially if we utilize one of the more modern protocols: HLS.
A comprehensive guide on how to create a Facebook Messenger bot in Golang.
Learning Go and Black Hat Go are some of the best Go programming books based on their review scores.
Everything is moving extremely quickly in the software industry, so it requires a lot of effort just to keep up. This is exactly why we, at Coding Sans, publish the State of Software Development survey every year. To learn what is happening in the industry at the moment, and see how trends are forming over time.
How to implement in-memory cache in Golang App
Pure functions are often hyped up in the Javascript world, probably because of the abundance of state in front end applications. While pure functions have their downsides (i.e. inconvenience, potentially large argument lists), I believe they should be used as much as reasonably possible, and I want to focus on pure functions in Go.
This guide shows you how to write your first lines of GO code.
Go adds fuzzing as a part of its testing tools. This feature is planned for the 1.18 release and is already available for beta testing
I encountered an issue when 10 million messages with emoji were written in the MySQL table with utf8 encoding.
Try out concurrency in Go on a simple example. What are greenthreads and asynchronous preemtpion? Understanding channels by using worker-pool pattern.
I decided to make the first steps in Yocto-oriented software development and make a rather simple service app for Yocto-based Linux distro.
the must-have practices if you use external APIs
Is it possible to create a pipeline with dynamic routes in Go? How to do it?
Comparison between Optimistic and Pessimistic locking with Golang and PostgreSQL
By configuring a systemd socket, you can tell systemd to listen on the configured ports and start your service with a copy of the listening sockets.
Palindrome checking function in go that can receive integer or string. Utilize new generics feature in Go 1.18.
Bun is a SQL-first Golang ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, MSSQL, and SQLite. It supports migrations, fixtures, and performance monitoring.
Different ways to remove duplicates in slices in Go, a powerful language whose lack of tools makes learning this necessary if you want to make full use of it.
Golang recently turned 10 and the success this language has created over the last 10 years is overwhelming. Today, many of the most popular DevOps tools are now written in Go. This proves that Go is a language that has a great future in the DevOps industry. It is meant for cloud network infrastructure practitioners - this was one of the primary goals of the Go creators. As a result, Every major cloud provider today has turned to Go for their core cloud infrastructure, to name some - Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Etcd, Prometheus, and Terraform.
How to validate that an enum value field in Protobuf can not be empty? Turn out that is not supported directly by Protobuf!
Microservices architecture is a methodology that allows you to split a monolithic single application into small applications and services.
12/31/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
Check out how efficient it is to create a new API using Go, and then deploy it to the Render PaaS, both for the first time with zero DevOps.
Go has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in my local area. It has been consistently displacing other backend languages like Ruby, Python, C# and Java. Go is wanted for its simplicity, explicitness, speed, and low memory consumption.
Generic Programming in Go using different methods: interfaces, typecasting, Generic Functions
Learn how to build a sample CRUD TODO API written in GO using gin-gonic, one of the most popular web frameworks, which saves data to a PostgreSQL database
Hired released its 2022 State of Software Engineers, a report that analyzes key software engineering trends around demand, salaries, skills, and preferences.
We are trying to learn the basic concepts about heaps like inserting and extracting data from heaps and also the time complexity of heaps.
On a first glance when I started working on go, for me it seems very very weird language. I am working on node-js for two and more years and then start working on golang is not so cool for me.
Goreleaser is awesome. It's a simple tool that allows you to release your go packages.
Python is commonly seen as the AI/ML language, but is often a dull blade due to unsafe typing and being slow, like really slow. Many popular natural language processing toolkits only have Python APIs, and we want to see that change. At Nuvi, we use Go for the majority of our data processing tasks because we can write simple and fast code. Today we are open-sourcing a tool that has helped make our ML lives easier in Go. Say hello to go-conllu.
The other day I was interviewing at one of the companies, and I was asked the following question, how can you count occurrences of a word in a 50gb file with 4gb of RAM. The trick is to not load the whole file into memory and keep processing each word as we keep on moving the pointer of the file. With this, we can easily process the whole file with a minimal amount of memory resources.
CockroachDB and using a popular database are two error-free options for decimal handling in Golang.
I’m a huge fan of automating working processes. I try to automate everything and save my coworkers time.
Over-viewing common coding pitfalls we've encountered when we started to use GoLang for production systems
5 Programming Languages To Learn In 2022. Python is in the boom, mainly due to Data Science and Machine Learning.
Learn how to seamlessly incorporate Mixpanel analytics into your email communication by integrating it with Mailgun using Latenode.com automation platform.
I created a simple Telegram bot that could retrieve Bitcoin's Price to convince my friends that Telegram is far superior to Whatsapp.
During past couple of years I have worked on few projects written in GO. I noticed that the biggest challenge developers are facing is lack of constraints or standards when it comes to project layout. I'd like to share some findings and patterns that have worked best for me and my team. For better understanding I'll go through steps of creating a simple REST API.
Project Link: https://github.com/Joker666/goworkerpool
Streamlining Your Code: An Introduction to the Builder Pattern in Go
Adopt SOLID design principles in GO for better code quality and easier software maintenance.
Good cake is the one you can easily slice into parts with no crumbs falling apart. That's all this project is about: 3 simple parts, no nasty additives. In part 1 and part 2 I've explained the basics of setting up golang project using docker, creating configurable server, interacting with DB, adding routes and handlers.
Leave your programming language hang ups at the door and come admire the best standard library I’ve ever come across.
Error checks are essential but turn to noise without automatic propagation. Fixing Go's error-handling.
What are Interfaces in Golang?
Illustration composed from MariaLetta/free-gophers-pack, original gopher by Renee French.
This means to compare programming languages on what really matters, which in most cases, specifically in the enterprise world, is how efficient it is to develop
Let’s learn the basics of web development with the help of Go programming language and Fiber framework and write the most uncomplicated web service.
Hello, in today’s article, I will show you how you can build your own OAuth2 server just like google, facebook, github etc.
Nowadays, the successful application often consists of containers and some sort of container management system to ease scaling, reduce downtime, and more.
This is a quick start for GoReleaser to automate the building and publishing GoLang projects.
Project Link: https://github.com/Joker666/goworkerpool
In this article, we will try to understand two crucial Go concepts - mux and Handler.
This tutorial walks you through the process of connecting services written in Python and Go via the gRPC framework using mutual TLS authentication.
We chose to use GoReleaser with our distro of the OpenTelemetry Collector in order to simplify how we build and support many operating systems and architectures
A deep dive into the performance characteristics of RDS Proxy vs RDS
I describe why Fiber it's really a good start for learn Go when you have experience in ExpressJS, what similarities and differences to expect, and what things I learned when building my first API on Go.
Hi all. I'm so honored to introduce my product: Go Search Extension, a handy browser plugin to help every Go developer search docs and package in the address bar instantly.
Go modules have helped bring order to Go development, but there’s been some disorder lurking. Managing module pseudo-versions can be difficult, especially with some of the latest changes to Go.
In part 2, we'll go over deploying serverless API to AWS Cloud with Terraform.
Many developers and DevOps engineers have been deploying Kong Gateway in front of their microservices-based applications.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That's how everything in our tech journey begins. We all got here with a single step, that slowly became multiple steps. Before we know it, we are a thousand miles in. When I first started my career, I was in helpdesk. Now, I’m a developer advocate. The way that happened was with thousands of steps.
There are quite a few ways to create new maps and slices in Go. Which one is best? Or perhaps better asked, which one is best in your situation? Let's take a look.
The following sample code is from Go's standard library documentation:
So you’re a front end developer, and you want to learn some backend stuff. You want to become a full stack developer someday, so where do you start? Google’s Go language is an excellent place.
Need a quick beginner's guide to gRPC? What is it? How do you set up a client and server, and make an RPC call? All your answers are here!
Choosing the correct language for web development can be difficult.
Go has hard opinions about how you should style and format your code. The big upside of this is that you don't need to spend hours setting up tools like ESLint, Prettier, JSLint, etc. That said, in order to take advantage of the styling and listing tools available in the toolchain, you need a dev environment that makes them easy to use.
Check out why you should use golang for your next project
Illustration composed from MariaLetta/free-gophers-pack, original gopher by Renee French.
HTML for PDF in Go for creating quality PDF reports with Table of Contents, Bookmarks and other important native PDF features.
Go was designed at Google in 2007, the evolution of this language is tremendous. Nowadays we are almost can create any kind of application using Go, from API, tooling, game, library, and so on. So how about the embedded system or today hot term as IoT, can we use Golang for this kind of application? The answer is yes, we can.
Many are wondering whether Golang is a language that can apply the Object Oriented Programming paradigm. Let's discuss this here.
Quick recap from PART-1
You've probably heard about Heroku by now, but do you really know how Heroku works and when it should be a consideration?
The Go programming language has become quite popular over the past few years. Why? The primary reason is that it has become the language of choice for distributed and highly scalable servers. Go was based on C and brings code efficiency to the table, which generates faster software and apps for businesses.
In Golang, we use goroutines to execute asynchronous tasks while these goroutines communicate with each other via the data structure called Channel.
I'm going to show you how easy it is to develop a simple web application in Go, package it as a lightweight Docker image, and deploy it to Heroku.
Forgetting to close things off in Go can potentially come back to bite you. The most basic and straightforward method is to call rollback or commit.
Article is about maps internal structure, hashes and performance. How data is actually stored inside.
In applications that are i/o heavy, it can get clunky to synchronously execute high-latency functions one after the other.
Go is a programming language often used for applications in which performance matters. Optimizing your code based on assumptions is not a best practice of course. You need to have insights about your code performance and bottlenecks to be able to optimize it efficiently.
I love pet projects, they are great excuse to use libraries and other technologies that you can’t use at work. Lately I’ve been working on a bigger pet project that needs to parse Go files, I’ve used ANTLR before to make this kind of things but unfortunately, ANTLR’s Go target has poor performance. So I began to search for alternatives written in pure Go and came across with this one, which took a different approach on creating parsers with Go, but before we’re going to understand how this library is different from others, let’s cover some basic concepts about parsing.
Constants can be confusing and easy to misuse in Go if you are coming from an untyped language. In this article we will learn what constants are, and when it is best to make use of them.
I’m going to focus mostly on some design decisions and also how I went about writing an SPI interface using Go on a Raspberry Pi. I assume my readers have a basic understanding of what a Raspberry Pi is, and how basic electronics work. If not, read on anyway and I will be sure to include some valuable resources below.
I love to learn, I love to code. I'm on a journey to learn (at least the basics of) several new languages to enhance my resume. Join me!
Deep learning and neural networks are very interesting subjects and Go language supports this technology using the framework Gorgonia.
For a couple of years I've been working with Golang, is such a great experience, Golang is a great language, in my opinion, simple, fast, and focused on high performance. But, not only it can help us to create a microservice that is fast, but we can also code quite quickly.
PDF forms are a convenient tool for gathering and storing information about your customers or users. This is a breakdown of how you can fill and flatten them.
Top 5 IDEs and Tools for Golang Development - here is the list of top Golang IDEs that are worth your attention.
Knowing how to build REST API with latest tech is cool. You know what's even cooler? It's being able to deploy it to the cloud! I'll walk you through the process of building simple, server-less application using GO, AWS (Lambda, API Gateway, Dynamodb) and Terraform.
µjson is a minimal JSON parser and transformer that works on unstructured (and trusted) JSON. It works by parsing input and calling the given callback function when encountering each item.
Recently, Digital Ocean announced they're entering the PaaS market with their new application platform. They've hosted virtual machines (droplets) and Kubernetes based services for years, but now they're creating a platform that's a simple point and click to get an application up and running.
numeral is a Go package. It gives you the ability to create custom (positional) numeral systems and perform operations on them.
Using declarative validation in Golang, in a similar way to Active Record validations.
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