Data, data and data. This seems to be what our world is swimming and immersing in. Why? The answer is simple: simply everything we use, such as mobile phones, and with it, all that it has, such as the social media, churn out unimaginable amounts of data.
Let us give you some perspective about data in our real world:
While these figures are fascinating, why we need to be so obsessed with them is that all these gargantuan numbers could mean nothing if we did not now how to use this data. This is why the technology by which this is done, namely Data Analytics (or Big Data Analytics), is such a hot topic in the tech world today.
Like all other tools and technologies, Big Data Analytics is built on tools,
frameworks and processes. Which are these? Let us look at the 5 most prominent Big Data Analytics tools to learn in 2020:
A Spark and Hadoop cloud service, Azure HDInsight, Microsoft HDInsight comes in two categories for providing Big Data: Standard and Premium. In offering an enterprise-scale cluster that helps organizations run their big data workloads on; Microsoft HDInsight comes with the following features:
Another of the 5 prominent Big Data Analytics tools for 202; Tableau Public uses Tableau’s USP, data visualization, for analyzing Big Data. With a limit of a humongous million rows, Tableau Public is amazingly easy to use.
It has these prominent features:
This Java based Big Data Analytics tool is also free. This software framework makes it easy to store huge amounts of data effectively on the cloud through clusters. Not only can Apache Hadoop run in parallel on a cluster; it can also process insanely large amounts of data across all the nodes of the cluster seamlessly.
Apache Hadoop comes with these interesting features:
The way in which Oracle Analytics Cloud has been growing in the past few years has been belying the industry thought that Big Data Analytics has never been Oracle’s forte. Its analytics cloud comes with these features:
Cloudera brings enterprise-class deployment of big Data Analytics, which it does through a combination of Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Apache Impala and many others. This platform aids in the collection, processing, administering, managing, discovery, modeling, and distribution of virtually unlimited data.
These are a coupe of its prominent features:
Wrap up:
In our closing thoughts, we would like you take a look at some of the online courses that Simpliv offers on Big Data. We are confident you will find these very useful.
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