Welcome to another edition of Hack marketing diaries by team HackerNoon! This time, we wanna share our learnings and observations on surveillance capitalism and why we didn't make it our business model.
Who would like their personal and critical information to be used to see those creepily relevant Ads?
According to
What's even more annoying? Abrupt Ads stoping you from consuming the content. Classic example - Ads on YouTube.
Here’s how HackerNoon saw these issues when we used
“We don't want to advertise the shoes you've considered buying around the web, we do want to surface sponsors that are relevant to the subject matters being read, such as blockchain sponsors on blockchain content. We believe sponsorship is not evil, if done right. What's evil is surveillance. Our sponsors will be by subject matter.
Our promotions are like billboards - relevant to the content and not the individual reader.
Our sponsorship placements are minimalistic & non-intrusive. No sidebars, no popups, no video ads. We care about reading quality and will never take that experience away from the reader.”
Presenting you HackerNoon’s Targeted Ads by content relevancy - where you target the audience interested in content relevant to your company, without invading their privacy or shoving annoying pop-ups down their throats.
Our targeted marketing options allow you to avoid the noise and reach the right audience. It’s a win-win for all. Talking about wins - here's an easter egg for your company - use the code 'HackerFriend' during the meeting and avail 10% off on Targeted Ads!
Here’s how our targeted Ads by content relevancy work:
Until next time!